I never intended to write six posts, get completely derailed and then abruptly disappear for almost three months! But I did. Whoops.
I know some bloggers say that when they stop writing, that usually means that everything is going well. No news is good news, so to speak. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case for me. The day after my last post, I fainted in the supermarket and was admitted to the hospital with a haemoglobin level of 5. For readers lacking in medical knowledge, this is far too low, and resulted in me experiencing yet another UK first; a rather urgent blood transfusion.

This was one of those situations where you don’t realise how sick you are until you start to feel better. I knew something wasn’t right (the dizziness was a bit of a clue!), but I had no idea things were as serious as they were – until three units of blood later when I suddenly realised I could think clearly, and walk without feeling like I was going to pass out! As a result, I now take large doses of oral iron each day, have regular iron infusions and am about to start EPO (Aranesp). Watch this space.
So yes, after that rather scary experience, everything got a bit derailed and I lost my writing momentum. I just didn’t feel like writing, or as if I had anything to say.
But you know, new year, new start and all that jazz. My friends have been pestering me to write again, so I’ve set a goal of posting at least twice a week!
Here’s to 2016, in which I want to become a lot happier, a little wiser, and maybe even healthier?